
Rtp Mantul808


Link Mantul808

Sailing Schedule

Welcome to FSM TC&I

Secretary Apis

As the Secretary of the Department of Transportation, Communications and Infrastructure, also known as TC&I, it gives me great pleasure to welcome everyone, and especially the general public, to our web site.

Governments are established to serve the people, and it is a fundamental obligation of governments to be transparent in their delivery of services. It is for this reason that our site has been established and will be further developed as time goes on. We hope that a well-managed web presence will make it possible for the public to quickly and efficiently gather a wide range of practical information relating to the four department divisions and their activities, while becoming better informed about capital projects and other matters of importance related to the Department.

TC&I is the technical branch of the FSM National Government and manages all interstate and international sea and air transportation, regulates the radio communication spectrum, and implements, coordinates, and manages all capital projects funded by the FSM Congress.

Thank you all.

Carlson D. Apis
Secretary of TC&I

Our Mandate

Development and administration of sound policies and regulations to ensure a reliable sea and air transportation system and communication network, and also ensure that capital projects meet construction safety standards, are cost effective, and meet both the strategic Development and the Infrastructure Plans of the Nation.

How We Are Organized

The Department of Transportation, Communications & Infrastructure is organized into four divisions, each with its own assistant secretary (transportation is split into the Marine Division and Division of Civil Aviation). Download the chart as pdf (211 kb)

TC&I Organizational Chart