
Communications Division


Frequency Spectrum Chart

FSM Radio License Applications

All radio operators who wish to acquire an FSM Radio License must complete the applications that correspond to the services preferred and submit them to our office for issuance of radio licenses. All callsigns and frequencies will be issued based on availability.

About Us

The duties and functions of the Division of Communications are as follows:

  • Controlling and licensing radio and communications in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)
  • Managing the radio frequency spectrum in accordance with national laws, the International Telecommunications Union and U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) standards
  • Discharging on behalf of the FSM any obligations entered into under treaties or international agreements including application of the provisions of the International Telecommunications Convention and the International Radio Regulations as required by the Compact of Free Association and its related agreements
  • Representing the FSM as a member and actively participating in meetings of regional and international bodies including the US / FSM Joint Telecommunication Board, International Telecommunications Union, Asia Pacific Telecommunity, and INTELSAT.

FSM Programmatic Preparation Advance - IDA P176918-FM